Re:amaze Product News

Enhance Customer Communication with AI-Powered Writing Tools

July 22, 2024

If you’ve ever used AI tools like ChatGPT, you know how valuable they can be when you need help finding the right words to get your point across. Re:amaze provides an entire suite of AI-powered tools to make your life easier and have your business run more smoothly. Our AI tools are integrated into almost every corner of our platform, from crafting responses to customers to writing knowledge base articles. Responding to Customers Responding to customer questions can be challenging, especially when you’re unsure of the appropriate tone to take, or how to simplify a complex topic. Re:amaze alleviates this difficulty with our powerful AI features. While drafting your initial response, you can simply click a ‘Improve what I’ve written‘ button and instantly receive a more polished draft. This draft will be formed by what you’ve already written, as well as the previous messages within the thread. This tool ensures your message is both personable and informative. Writing Knowledge Base Articles Creating articles for your knowledge base can be time-consuming and tedious. Just like writing a reply to customers, it can be difficult to figure out how you want to communicate your message. Well, we’ve got an AI-powered tool for that too. Re:amaze helps you refine your tone and makes your content more concise and clear. By building on your original draft, our AI can help provide a well-structured foundation that you can easily edit and expand upon. All by simply clicking a button. Templates & Cues In addition to handling customer responses and knowledge base articles, Re:amaze’s AI tools are perfect for improving your Response Templates and Cues. With just a few clicks, you can ensure that all your customer interactions are clear, concise, and appropriately toned. This helps maintain consistency across all customer communications, making your support process more effective for both you and your customers. Imagine having AI tools like ChatGPT built right into your helpdesk—that’s what it’s like using Re:amaze. The post Enhance Customer Communication with AI-Powered Writing Tools appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Level Up Your Chat Widget with Re:amaze Quick Responses

July 16, 2024

Re:amaze has released a new feature to help you get the most out of your your Chat Widget. Now, when building or modifying your Shoutbox Greeting, you can add automated Quick Responses to Conversation Starters. What is a Quick Response? Quick Responses are buttons with pre-written buttons or options that your customers can choose from when using your Chat Widget. Common examples include questions like ‘What is your return policy?’ or ‘Do you offer free shipping?’ When a customer clicks on a Quick Response, they will automatically receive the corresponding answer. How Does This Make My Chat Widget Better? Previously, while creating or editing your Shoutbox Greeting, you could incorporate buttons with the same preset questions you would use for a Quick Response. However, these buttons routed customers directly to your team. With Quick Responses, you can automatically provide an answer for your customers and avoid routing conversations to your team. This will save time for both you and your customers. It’s a win-win, ensuring quick resolutions and increasing customer satisfaction. How Do I Add Quick Responses to My Chat Widget? To add a Quick Response, simply input your response in the designated ‘Answer‘ field for any new or existing Conversation Starters. If no response is provided, the button will continue to route inquiries to your team. Click here to learn more about building Quick Responses. Check out the screenshot below to see how a Quick Response will appear in your Chat Widget: The post Level Up Your Chat Widget with Re:amaze Quick Responses appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Behind the Scenes: Enhancing Search Capabilities

May 30, 2024

At Re:amaze, we are always innovating and improving our services so that we can provide an exceptional product experience. A few months ago, we upgraded our search capabilities and we’d like to share the technical insights behind this upgrade so you can better understand the improvements taking place behind the scenes. Whether you’re searching within the inbox using different filters or exploring the Contacts page, all of these actions are powered by the same robust search engine. We recently published an article on the GoDaddy Engineering Blog, detailing the process of upgrading our search capabilities. You can check out the article here. Take a look and let us know your thoughts! The post Behind the Scenes: Enhancing Search Capabilities appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

File Type Download Restrictions: New Security Features from Re:amaze!

May 29, 2024

Boost your security measures with Re:amaze‘s latest offering: file download restrictions by file type! Now you have the power to specify which file formats are allowed for download from customer attachments, providing an extra layer of protection against phishing and malware risks. With options including .exe, .dmg, .zip, and .rar, you can tailor your security settings to suit your needs. By default, all file types are permitted for download. To adjust these settings, head to your Brand settings and simply uncheck any file types you wish to restrict from being downloaded. The post File Type Download Restrictions: New Security Features from Re:amaze! appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Streamline Customer Communication with Re:amaze and Meta Business Suite

May 13, 2024

Meta Business Suite centralizes the management of Facebook and Instagram accounts for small businesses and creators, providing a comprehensive suite of tools—all conveniently accessible in one platform. With Meta Business Suite, you can enhance your online presence, expand your reach, and stay informed. How does it work with Re:amaze? Re:amaze is known for its unified inbox, seamlessly consolidating customer conversations from various channels like social, email, and live chat into one platform. This extends to Meta Business Suite, helping you manage your Facebook and Instagram Pages and Ads. If you leverage Facebook and Instagram as key marketing channels, customer inquiries from Ads and Page posts can become overwhelming and make it difficult to stay organized and responsive. By consolidating inquiries from Facebook and Instagram into a unified inbox, you can ensure timely responses, personalized interactions, and a strong first impression for your brand. Why it matters. Every customer interaction matters. Whether it’s a question about a product or simply a comment on a social media post, each interaction presents an opportunity to engage and delight customers. For businesses investing in ad spend to boost engagement, staying on top of customer interactions becomes even more crucial. With Re:amaze and Meta Business Suite, managing communications and engagement at scale becomes a breeze. The post Streamline Customer Communication with Re:amaze and Meta Business Suite appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Customize Permalink Pages with CSS

May 09, 2024

At Re:amaze, we understand the importance of branding and personalization, which is why we’re excited to announce that you can now customize your Permalink Pages using CSS! What are Conversation Permalink Pages? If you’re unfamiliar with Permalinks, they are running snapshots of an existing conversation that may be shared and viewed only through a secure URL. They’re useful when you need to share the contents of a conversation thread without giving a third party full access to the conversation. Now you can tailor them to match your brand! You can customize your Conversation Permalinks from the “CSS and Meta Settings” page found in your Brand settings. Check out this article to learn more about how Permalinks work and how to customize them. The post Customize Permalink Pages with CSS appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Optimize Customer Engagement: Setting Durations for Cues in Re:amaze

May 01, 2024

With Re:amaze‘s Cue durations, you can optimize customer engagement by deciding exactly how long you want your Cues visible on a page. What are Cues and how to they help with customer engagement? Cues are messages or prompts that you can create to automatically engage with visitors on your site based on certain criteria. Some common Cues include: Cue users for questions about pricing when on the pricing page to help increase conversion rates. Send a coupon code to the user when the user is about to leave your site. Cue users for questions about a product if the user has been on a product page for a period of time. Notify users about a pending sale, event, or site outage. What does it mean to give your Cue a duration? This is the length of time (in seconds) that the Cue will remain visible on a page. When a duration is enabled, the Cue becomes transient by default. This means it will appear only once to a customer and won’t display on other pages, even if no action is taken. To learn more about Cues, check out this article from our help center. The post Optimize Customer Engagement: Setting Durations for Cues in Re:amaze appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Live Chat Availability: Let Your Customers Know When You’re Busy

April 26, 2024

To help you enhance transparency with your customers, Re:amaze‘s Classic Chat now includes an automated message to update customers on your team’s availability. This message will appear in your Chat Widget and help to set customer expectations during busier hours. How does it work? In your Roles and Permissions settings, you can set a maximum number of chats per agent. Once this limit is reached by all online agents, customers will see a message indicating that your team is currently busy but will assist them shortly. Moreover, you have the option to customize this message to align with your brand and tone. To learn more about setting your maximum chat limit and customizing your message, check out this article. The post Live Chat Availability: Let Your Customers Know When You’re Busy appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Staff Permissions: New Permission Options From Re:amaze

April 09, 2024

We’re excited to announce two new staff permissions you can use with Re:amaze: Manage Personal Shifts and Manage Staff. These permission options will provide you with more control and flexibility when it comes to managing your staff and what they’re able to access within your account. How do they work? Enabling the Manage Personal Shifts permission gives staff members the ability to control and modify their own shifts. It’s important to note that this option is enabled by default in Re:amaze, so if you want to prevent a user from modifying their own shifts, make sure that this permission is deselected. Now, let’s talk about the Manage Staff permission. When enabled, this will give your staff members the ability to not only adjust their own shifts but also those of their teammates. This is especially beneficial for managers or designated team members who handle scheduling. Do keep in mind that enabling Manage Staff automatically includes the “Manage Personal Shifts” permission as well. To learn more about different Staff Permissions and how they work, check out this article. The post Staff Permissions: New Permission Options From Re:amaze appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.

Using AI to Understand Customer Conversations

April 03, 2024

With Re:amaze, you can quickly understand customer conversations using our newest release: AI-Powered Conversation Sentiment Analysis. This new feature allows you to quickly gauge the sentiment of both past and ongoing conversations with your customers. This is hugely beneficial if you’re picking up conversations from other agents, or if you want to ask direct questions about your customer’s mood. How does it work? Located in the right-rail of your conversations, you can simply select the option to scan the conversation for customer sentiment. You can also ask questions such as, “Is the customer upset?” or “Was the issue resolved?” Re:amaze will then generate a quick analysis for you to work off of. It’s that easy! Learn more about using Sentiment Analysis and the other AI-powered tools we offer by checking out this article from our knowledge base. The post Using AI to Understand Customer Conversations appeared first on Re:amaze Blog.